Sunday, January 17, 2010

What to Say?

During the day I will think about something and say to myself, "Make a note of this. It could make an interesting blog." Um-m-m. The problem is, unless I write it down, I can't remember what it was. And so, although I have had some moments of ideas to write about, I can't remember a single one tonight.

I will comment that so far it has been a great three-day weekend. I wrote, did a little politicking, painted on a couple of new paintings, went to church, had a nice chat with a couple of friends, and had a great time chatting with my family.

On the downside, I dropped my cell phone in the toilet. :( It is now in the oven trying to dry out. I hope I can restore it to health so I don't lose all my contacts. And no, nothing is backed up on the internet. (See previous posting: Technically Unsavvy.)


  1. I'm tempted to ask how your cell phone fell into the toilet but that might be TMI! :-b

  2. Mom, I think that there is something about a rice and drying in the microwave or something to get moisture out of a cell phone. Love the cabinets!
